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1. A 52-year-old patient complaining of pain in the upper right area. Tooth #17 did not respond to cold, and is tender to biting and percussion, no sinus tract or swelling is present, radiograph provided. Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth #27:

Reversible pulpitis with normal apical tissues
Pulp necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with acute apical abscess

2. A 36-year-old man is complaining of pain while chewing related to an upper left premolar. The clinical examination revealed normal probing depths around all of his teeth, except for a 7 mm pocket in the distobuccal area of tooth #25. The radiograph shows a vertical bony defect distal to the same tooth. What is the most likely diagnosis for tooth #25:

Occlusal trauma
Vertical root fracture
Generalized gingivitis
Localized stage IV periodontitis

3. A 64-year-old man presents to the dental clinic complaining that he cannot chew on the lower right side of the jaw. Pain started 4 weeks ago and has intensifies over the last 3 days. On examination, application of cold to tooth #46 elicited an extraction in that lasted for about 1 minute. Tooth tender adjacent premolar and molar teeth responded normally to pulpal, periapical and periodontal tests. Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis for tooth #46:

Pulp necrosis with acute apical abscess
Reversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis

4. A 65-year-old patient complaining of a spontaneous dull pain in the upper right side tooth #17 tender to biting and percussion. No clinical signs of sinus tract or swelling is present. Radiograph provided shows endodontic treatment in #17. Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth #17:

Pulp necrosis with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with acute apical abscess
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess
Previously treated with symptomatic periodontitis

5. Which of the following is the most appropriate sequence for treatment of Endodontic-Periodonitic furcation lesion caused by pulp necrosis:

Antibiotic then tooth extraction
Periodontal surgery then root canal treatment
Root canal treatment then periodontal surgery
Scaling and root planing and systemic antibiotic

6. A 49-year-old woman complaining of sensitivity to both hot and cold liquids following the placement of a full crown on tooth #17 which recently became spontaneous. Responses to both percussion and palpation were normal and on application of Endo-Ice the patient experienced pain that lingered after removal of the stimulus. Radiographically, there was no evidence of osseous change Which of the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis of this tooth

Irreversible pulpitis; normal apical tissue
Irreversible pulpitis; chronic apical abscess
Necrotic pulp; asymptomatic periodontitis
Reversible pulpitis; symptomatic apical periodontitis

7. A patient came to the clinic suffering from intense pain from tooth #46. The tooth showed severe tenderness to percussion and biting. What is most appropriate periapical diagnosis:

Condensing osteitis
Chronic apical abscess
Symptomatic apical periodontitis
Asymptomatic apical periodontitis

8. What does a localized periodontal defect around an endodontically treated tooth suggests:

Internal resorption
External resorption
Vertical root fracture

9. Which of the following is the temperature of Endo Ice (1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane) in Celsius:


10. A 36-year-old patient-complaining of sharp spontaneous pain waking him up at night. Tooth 47 responds Lingering pain and tender to neither percussion nor biting No sinus tract or swelling present clinically. Radiography provided. Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth # 47:

Reversible pulpitis with acute apical abscess
Pulp necrosis with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with normal apical abscess
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess

11. A 19-year-old patient came to the clinic with tooth #11 placed in a cup of milk, tooth was displaced 25 minutes ago. Which Of the following is the recommended duration of splinting in weeks for tooth #11:


12. Which of the following is the cross-section of the Flex-R file?


13. An 8-year-old boy is brought to the dental clinic with a traumatized left maxillary central incisor 9 months after a traumatic injury. Upon clinical and radiographical examination, the pulp was found to be non-vital with no periapical lesion. Which of the following will be the best management:

Root canal apexification treatment
Conventional root canal treatment
Calcium hydroxide direct pulp treatment
Calcium hydroxide indirect pulp treatment

14. A 27-year-old asthmatic woman presents with pain on tooth #24 which is aggrevated by touch. The tooth was endodontically treated 2 years ago, but the tooth is still symptomatic. Tooth #24 is negative to cold and EPT, and sensitive to percussion. Which of the following would be the best management for tooth #24:

Extraction and implant
Surgical endodontic treatment
Non-surgical endodontic treatment
Prescription of clindamycin antibiotic

15. 27-year-old woman presents for dental check-up. Patient mentioned a history of traumatic blow to the lower right premolar area received about 4 years ago. Tooth #44 did not respond to thermal and electric pulp stimulation. Palpation, percussion and periodontal tests were normal. No swelling or sinus tract were noted. Patient is keen to save the tooth if possible. Which of the following is the most appropriate management for tooth #44:

Apical curettage
Extraction and implant
Root canal treatment

16. A 64-year-old man with no relevant history complaining of pain upon Tooth #46 responded normally to cold with tenderness to percussion. Tooth #47was very tender to percussion and palpation (see image) Which of the following would be best treatment:

Pulpotomy for #46
Antibiotic prescription
Non-surgical root canal treatment for #46
Non-surgical root canal treatment for # 47

17. A patient presents to the dentist complaining of severe unlocalized pain on lower right side. On clinical examination, he had multiple questionable teeth. An attempt was made to localize the offending tooth using thermal testing. Tooth #45 had severe pain that lasted 1-2 seconds after removal of the stimulus. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis:

Necrotic pulp
Reversible pulpitis
Irreversible pulpitis

18. A 32-Year-old patient presented to the dental clinic complaining of cold sensitivity related to his teeth. which of the following is the appropriate diagnostic test to start with, based on his complain:

Hot test
Cold test (Endo ice)
Electrical pulp tester (EPT)

19. 42-year-old-healthy woman presents with moderate pain to cold drinks and sweets in the upper left side of the jaw. On examination, Application of Endo Ice to tooth #25 elicited a sharp, momentary pain. Tooth #25 responds normally to percussion, while #26 is percussion positive. Which of the following is the source of patient complaint:

Pulpal tissues of tooth #25
Periapical tissues of tooth #25
Pulpal tissues of tooth #26
Periapical tissues of tooth #26

20. Which of the following is the corresponding size of Gates-Glidden number 2:


21. How is a vertical root fracture best confirmed:

Bite test
Exploratory surgery
Electric pulp tester

22. Which of the following treatment options is considered most favorable for a minimally intruded luxation injury of tooth #11 for a 12-year-old patient:

Repositioning with possible splinting
Immediate root canal therapy with splinting
Extraction due to predictable pulpal and periapical pathosis
Observation for four to six weeks with subsequent necessary treatment

23. A 22-year-old woman was seen in clinic for a dental abscess in the mandible due to infected #35. She was treated with oral antibiotics. She returned to the clinic with persistent abscess and pain. Which of the following could have prevented the persistence of the infection:

Prescribe mouthwash
Incisional and drainage
Endodontic treatment
Extract the offending tooth

24. Which of the following is a probable cause of a ledge impediment:

Excessive irrigation
Failure to pre-curve instruments
Use of NiTi instruments with 4% taper
Repeated confirmation of apical patency

25. A 28-year-old patient complaining of persisting in the upper anterior area after completing a root canal treatment 2 months ago, tooth #21 is tender to percussion and palpation. No swelling or sinus tract noticed. Which of the following is the most appropriate management of tooth #21:

Intentional replantation
Surgical root canal treatment
Extraction with prosthetic replacement

26. A 43-year-old patient presented to the dental clinic with severe lingering pain related to the mandibular right posterior teeth. The pain was tolerable until last night, which was severe interfered with sleeping. Clinically, all teeth were negative to percussion and palpation, periodontally sound. The cold test revealed an exaggerate lingering response in the first molar. while a sharp momentary response disappeared after stimulus removal on the second premolar and second molar. Which of the following treatments would resolve patient symptoms:

RCT of the first molar
RCT of the second premolar
Direct pulp capping of the first molar
Indirect pulp capping of the second molar

27. Which of the following mishaps occurs by violating the danger zone of multi-rooted teeth with over-use of Gates-Glidden bur or files:

Apical zipping
Strip perforation
Separation of the files
Over-instrumentation beyond the apical foramen

28. In which root can an extra canal by found in upper first molars:


29. A 32 Year-old woman came to the clinic with facial swelling and severe pain after she saw her dentist few hours ago. She started that her dentist said Sodium hypochlorite accident happened during non-surgical root canal treatment. Which of the following is the most likely cause of apical extrusion of irrigating solution during irrigation:

EndoVac irrigation System
NaviTIP irrigation technique
Apical positive pressure needle system
Passive ultrasonic irrigation technique

30. A vertical root fracture was confirmed on an endodontically treated single rooted tooth. Which of the following is the recommended treatment option for the tooth:

Surgical repair
Non-surgical endodontic retreatment
Extraction and prosthetic replacement

31. A 63-year-old patient complaining throbbing pain in the upper left area, tooth #26 does not respond to cold and is tender to both percussion and biting No clinical signs of swelling or sinus tract are present. Radiograph provided (see image) Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis of tooth #26:

Pulp necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with normal apical tissue
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis with chronic apical abscess
Previously initiated therapy with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

32. A 50-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic for evaluation of upper left premolar- molar teeth. Patient stated that she had a severe spontaneous pain 6 weeks ago while on holiday. The pain has eventually subsided without dental intervention. Teeth #24,26 and 27 responded normally to all endodontic tests. Tooth #25 did not respond to cold. A sinus tract was noted in the alveolar mucosa buccal to #25 e image Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis for tooth #25:

Pulp necrosis with chronic apical abscess
Previously treated with acute apical abscess
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical

33. Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a concussion luxation injury:

Fractured clinical crown
Tooth that tests non-vital
Tooth with positive percussion
Tooth displaced from the socket

34. Which of the following media is most preferred for storing avulsed teeth:

Low fat milk
Normal saline
Artificial saliva
Hank's balanced salt solution

35. A 36-year-old man came to the clinic with a chief complain of mild persistent pain on biting related to tooth #15. It has previous endodontic treatment Bitewing radiograph: shows a radiolucent line below filling margin indicating recurrent decay. Periapical radiograph: shows a short radicular filling, obturation and periapical radiolucency related to the apex of tooth #15. Probing depths are within normal limits. Which of the following is the cause for failure:

Root fracture
Persistent lesion
Persistent bacteria in the apical lesion
Poor root canal treatment and coronal leakage

36. A 43 year-old patient presented to the clinic for treatment of tooth # 63, which is tender to biting and percussion. What the endodontic mishap is related to tooth # 63 shown in the radiograph (see image):

Furcal perforation

37. Which of the following is mostly associated with the presence of an isolated vertical bone loss affecting 1 root of a heavily restored root canal treated tooth:

Vertical root fracture
Chronic periodontitis
Chronic apical abscess
Incomplete root fracture

38. Which of the following sealers is an epoxy resin based:

AH plus
Seal Apex

39. A 38-year-old patient presented for root canal treatment of tooth #25, at the end of the first visit, calcium hydroxide was placed. Patient had severe pain at time of placement. Periapical radiograph was taken and showed calcium hydroxide extended beyond the apex. Which of the following would be the most appropriate management:

Antibiotic coverage
Follow up every 6 months
Surgical removal of the overextended material
Non-surgical removal of overextended material

40. A 61-year-old man presents with severe sensitivity to cold drinks in the lower left molar region. On examination, application of Endo Ice to tooth #37 produced a strong pain that lasted for 45 seconds, while percussing the tooth produced a sensitive response. Which of the following is the endodontic diagnosis for #37:

Reversible pulpitis with normal apical tissues
Necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Necrotic pulp with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis

41. Which of the following test in primary dentition is highly associated with false-positive:

Cold test
Occlusion test
Percussion test
Radiographic test

42. A 27 year-old man came to the clinic with intermittent severe pain in tooth #46. The pain lasts more than 3 minutes after old drink in addition to pain on biting. During clinic examination, tooth # 46 responded to cold test with severe pain that lingers for more than three seconds. Radiograph: Showed a deep carious lesion and thickening of PDL space. Slight tenderness to percussion was revealed. Which of the following is the definitive diagnosis of tooth # 46:

Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with normal apical tissues
Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with chronic apical abscess
Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with asymptomatic apical periodontitis
Symptomatic irreversible pulpits with symptomatic apical periodontitis

43. A 47-year-old patient referred to Endodontic Clinic evaluate tooth #45. Upon examination, tooth #45 had root canal treatment 3 years ago and is sensitive to percussion. Which of the following is diagnosis of tooth #45:

Previously treated with normal apical abscess
Previously treated with acute apical abscess
Previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously treated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

44. A 42-year-old healthy man presented to the Dental Clinic for a second opinion about the best treatment options of endodontically treated tooth #36. Clinically, there is a 7 mm pocket mesial to the tooth. Radiograph: There is a large post in the mesial root) which is not confined to the root canal area. Vertical bone loss was noticed as well. Which of the following is most likely the reason for this endo-perio lesion:

Root canal perforation
Presence of accessory canal
Presence of mesial root concavity
Physical injury by the rubber dam

45. Gutta-percha is currently the standard and universally accepted core obturating material in most of root canal treatments. Which of the following is disadvantage of this material:

Not easily manipulated
Difficult to be removed from a canal
Shrinkage if softened by heat or solvents
Poor adaptation to canal wall with compaction

46. Which of the following is the recommended splinting time in weeks for subluxation injuries:


47. A 40-year-old healthy man presented to the clinic complaining for the last 2 weeks he cannot eat comfortably on the mandibular left quadrant, and he also has a little sensitivity to colds. Intraoral and radiographic examination reveals that tooth #36 has been root canal treated with a post crown whilst #37 has been restored with a large composite restoration, which has a slight overhang. Neither tooth show any periapical radiolucency. They are both a little tender to percussion. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the pain:

Cracked tooth
Food impaction
Failure of the post crown

48. A 69-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic with unresolved symptoms after the initiation of root canal treatment for tooth # 16 last month. Which of the following is the most likely cause for the persistence symptoms:

Advanced patient age
Undiagnosed periodontal disease
Missed second mesiobuccal canal
Presence of pretreatment apical radiolucency

49. Which of the following irrigants has the highest antimicrobial activity against endodontic infection:

. Sodium hypochlorite

50. A 60 years old patient presented with intermittent pain in tooth #26 that is associated with sinus tract upon examination, tooth #26 is sensitive to percussion and palpation,7mm probing depth in mesiopalatal area of the tooth and grad II mobility. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis of tooth #26:

Previously treated with acute apical abscess
Previously treated associated with vertical root fracture
Previously treated associated symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously treated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

51. A 44-year-old patient complaining of pain in the upper left area. Tooth #26 did not respond to cold and was tender to biting and percussion, no clinical signs of a sinus tract or swelling present. Radiograph provided. Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan for tooth # 26:

Direct pulp capping
Root canal treatment
Extraction with prosthetic replacement

52. An 8-year-old boy attended the dental clinic after receiving a traumatic dental injury at his school. Thermal testing of the anterior teeth was inconclusive. Electrical pulp tester (EPT) was used to assess teeth vitality. How does electrical pulp tester (EPT) determine the degree of pulpal inflammation:

A short response indicates a healthy pulp
A midrange response indicates partial necrosis
A midrange response indicates pulpal inflammation
It can only determine the presence or absence of vital tissue

53. Which of the following is the most appropriate method in differential diagnosis between periodontal abscess and apical abscess:

Pulp testing
Probing patterns
Location of swelling
Radiographic appearance

54. Which of the following is the endodontic emergency treatment for teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis:

Direct pulp capping
Incision and drainage

55. Which of the following is the histological term used to describe the result of a vital pulp procedure allowing the continued physiologic development and formation of the roots apices:

Cvek pulpectomy

56. A patient has stage four breast cancer, and her prognosis is poor. She has questionable tooth treatment options are extraction versus root canal treatment with post and core and crown. Which of the following modalities will you choose:

Extraction and implant
Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment with post and core and crown

57. Which of the following is the most proteolytic endodontic irrigation solution:


58. Which of the following is a definition of concussion injury:

Displacement of the tooth outward or incisally
Tooth is tender to percussion but without displacement
Displacement of the tooth inward and into the alveolar bone
Displacement of the tooth in any lateral direction except axially

59. A 27-year-old healthy woman presents to the dental clinic for checkup. Upon examination, tooth #16 did not respond to thermal and electrical stimulation. A sinus tract was noted in the attached gingival between #16 and #17. All upper right premolar and molar teeth responded normally to percussion and palpation tests. Periodontal probing ranged between 2 – 3 mm (image) Which of the following is the recommended management for tooth #16:

Tooth extraction
Root canal treatment
Excision of sinus tract
Prophylactic antibiotic

60. Which of the following is the main use of Gates-Glidden drills:

Flaring of the coronal third
Enlarging the apical foramen
Instrumentation of the apical third
Bypassing of intracanal obstructions

61. What length should the spreader go for optimum cold lateral compaction:

Working length
Middle third of length
1-2 mm short of the working length

62. A 49-year-old patient presented with severe pain that disrupt his daily life routine. Upon examination, tooth #125 had negative response to cold and EPT, and was tender to percussion and palpation. Which of the following is the diagnosis of tooth # 25:

Necrotic Pulp with acute apical abscess
Previously initiated with acute apical abscess
Necrotic Pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously initiated with symptomatic apical periodontitis

63. A 32-year-old woman came complaining of a discolored tooth. Root canal treatment was done 6 years ago, and the tooth has been restored with temporary filling since then Tooth#21 is tender to percussion) Which of the following is the diagnosis for tooth #21:

Necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpits with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously initiated with asymptomatic apical periodontitis

64. A 30-year-old woman complains of throbbing pain in the maxillary right quadrant. The pain is spontaneous and lasts for hours. All tests are normal expect radiographs. Radiographic examination: showed large carious lesion in the maxillary first premolar. Pulpal exposure of 2 mm is encountered after excavating all caries. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis:

Reversible pulpitis
Irreversible pulpitis
Hyperplastic pulpitis

65. A 15-year-old boy was riding his motorcycle and crushed into a wall hitting his upper front teeth, his brother too him to the dentist s office afterward for evaluation and management. The patient was found to have a displaced dentoalveolar fracture. How many weeks dentoalveolar fractures need immobilization for:


66. During non-surgical root canal treatment of lower molar, a working length radiograph was to be taken from distal shift angle. Which of the following will be encountered considering the Buccal Object (SLOB) Rule:

The disto-buccal root canal moves bucally
The disto-buccal root canal moves Lingually
The disto-lingual root canal moves distally
The disto-lingual root canal moves mesially

67. Which of the following is an error occurs during obturation of the root canal:

Ledge formation
Broken instrument
Filling lateral canal

68. Which of the following is the generally preferred time for repairing the defect if a cervical root perforation occurs during incomplete root canal treatment:

Immediately after obturation
After cleaning and shaping is complete but before obturation
Immediately, and before proceeding with further preparation
After an appropriate recall period, to assess the status of the tissue

69. During a non-surgical root canal treatment of tooth # 45, an instrument separation occurred in the coronal one third of the canal. Which of the following is the best way of managing this case:

Tooth extraction
Separated instrument removal
Cleaning, shaping, obturation and follow up
Cleaning, shaping, obturation and micro-surgery

70. A 59-year-old patient complaining of a pimple on his gum in the upper right area, tooth #17 does not response to cold and there is no tenderness to biting or percussion. A sinus tract is present opposite to the upper right molar. Radiograph provided Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan for tooth #17:

Biopsy of the lesion
Root canal treatment
Incision and drainage

71. Which of the following materials can be used for its root resorption inhibition property, after replantation of avulsed teeth:

Sodium perborate
Mineral trioxide aggregate

72. A 70-year-old man presented for root canal treatment of tooth #47. Upon examination, #47 is sensitive to percussion. Patient had pacemaker several years ago. Working length was inconclusive with EAL. Which of the following is the cause of difficulties in working length determination:

Difficult root anatomy
Presence of apical periodontitis
Presence of Full Coverage Metallic Restoration
Electronic Apex Locator (EAL) should not be used with patient had such medical history

73. How can a periodontal abscess be definitely differentiated from an endodontic abscess:

Pain source
Pulp vitality
Radiographic appearance

74. Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for a tooth with primary endodontic lesion and secondary periodontal disease:

Only periodontal treatment required
Extraction and prosthetic replacement
Endodontic treatment prior to periodontal treatment
Periodontal treatment should be done before endodontic treatment

75. A 33 Year-old healthy man presents to the dental clinic seeking a permanent restoration for tooth # 37. On examination. Tooth #37 has a defective temporary filling, placed immediately after endodontic treatment 4 years ago. Tooth #37 responds normally to percussion and palpation. Periodontal probing ranged between 1-2 mm. Which of the following is the most likely cause of endodontic treatment failure:

Missed canal
Coronal leakage
Short obturation
Inadequate debridement

76. What is the diameter size of Gates Glidden No. 3 in millimeter:


77. A 40-year-old patient presented with localized swelling in the area of tooth #16. Diagnosis was necrotic pulp with acute apical abscess. Patient does not have time to stay for full treatment. Which of the following is the appropriate emergency treatment for tooth #16:

Incision and drainage
Cleaning and shaping

78. A 40 year-old healthy man presents to the dental clinic for comprehensive treatment. On examination, teeth #34 & 37 respond normally to cold test and to palpation and percussion as well. Upon caries excavation from tooth # 37, a gross carious pulp exposure was encountered. Tooth #37 well serve as an abutment for fixed dental prosthesis . Which of the following would be the best management for teeth # 37:

Tooth extraction
Partial pulpotomy
Direct pulp capping
Root canal treatment

79. A 60-year-old man presents to the Dental Clinic for comprehensive dental treatment. On examination, tooth #47 has an overhanging crown margins. Tooth #47 responds normally to palpation and percussion tests. The prosthodontist plans to place a new PFM crown for tooth #47 . Which of the following is the recommended endodontic plan for tooth #47:

Do nothing
Apical surgery
Intentional replantation
Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment

80. A 57-year-old patient presented for root canal treatment of tooth 16 upon examination, tooth responded normally to percussion and palpation, negative to cold and EPT Which of the following is the most diagnosis of tooth #16:

Necrotic pulp with normal periapical tissue
Previously initiated with normal periapical tissue
Necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontitis

81. An 8-year-old boy is brought to the Dental Clinic with a traumatized maxillary central incisor 9 months after a traumatic injury. Upon clinical and radiographic examinations, the pulp was found to be non-vital with no periapical lesion. Which of the following will be the best management:

Root canal apexification treatment
Conventional root canal treatment
Calcium hydroxide direct pulp treatment
Calcium hydroxide indirect pulp treatment

82. A 44-year-old patient complaining of pain on biting over the past three months related to tooth # 26. The tooth was endodontically treated more than 4 years ago. clinically, the tooth was tender to both percussion and palpation and radiographically there were apical radiolucency around all three roots. which of the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis:

Previously treated, chronic apical abscess
Previously treated, symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously initiated; symptomatic apical periodontitis
Previously initiated; symptomatic apical periodontitis

83. A 22-year-old man presented to the clinic complaining of shooting pain on biting his maxillary left tooth, which subsided as soon as he released the bite. On clinical examination, tooth #25 had a large disto occlusal composite filing, and was tender to both vertical and horizontal percussion. The patient mentioned that he was dieting and frequently ate nuts. The gingival tissue around the tooth was healthy. There were other teeth in his mouth that required simple fillings. Radiographic examination: showed that the tooth was root canal treated and the restoration margins were intact. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis of this tooth:

Cracked tooth
Root resorption
Perlapical abscess
Periapical periodontitis

84. .A 20-year-old patient is complaining of Pain in the lower right area. Upon examination, #47 responded normally to vitality testing, #46 has a sign of a sinus tract or swelling. Radiograph provided. Which of the following is the appropriate treatment plan for tooth #46

Non-surgical retreatment

85. A 45-year-old woman presents with severe pain to cold drinks related to tooth # 47. On examination, cold test produced a prolonged pain on #47. percussion and palpation test were normal in whole quadrant. tooth #47 is restorable. What should the general dentist do to alleviate the pain:

Antibiotic prescription
Extraction and implant
Pulpotomy and refer to endodontist
Pulpectomy and long-term placement of calcium hydroxide

86. Which of the following is the worst storage media for avulsed tooth:

Physiologic saline

87. Which of the following instruments is best used to achieve a straight line access:

Gates glidden
Lentulo spirals
Barbed broach

88. .A 29-year-old man came to the clinic complaining of severe pain related to his upper left molar. He pointed to tooth #16 that was endodontically treated a couple of months ago. The tooth has a crown with a good margin and no recurrent decay. The tooth has severe pain with percussion and palpation. Probing depths were with normal limits. PA radiograph was taken (see image) Which of the following is the next step to know the exact cause of the patient:

Sinus tract tracing
Intentional replantation
Cone beam computed tomography
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