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Oral Surgery Quiz Part 4 is here


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Oral Surgery Quiz Part 3 is here


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Mini Quiz on PerioClassification is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 6 is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 5 is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 4 is here


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Opertive Quiz Part 3 is here


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Infection and Ethics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Infection and Ethics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Implantology Quiz Part 2 is here


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Implantology Quiz Part 1 is here


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Oral Surgery Quiz Part 2 is here


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Oral Surgery Quiz Part 1 is here


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Pedodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Pedodontics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Operative Quiz Part 2 is here


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Operative Quiz Part 1 is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 3 is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Periodontics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Orthodontics Quiz Part 3 is here


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Orthodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Orthodontics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Premium Fixed Prosthodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Premium Removable Prosthodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


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Quiz on Clasps of RPD is here


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Premium Removable Prosthodontics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Premium Quick Quiz on Occlusion is here


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Premium Fixed Prosthodontics Quiz Part 1 is here


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Premium Endodontics Quiz Part 3 is here


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Premium Endodontics Quiz Part 2 is here


لحل الإختبار يجب أن تكون مسجل دخول في الموقع

Endodontic Quiz Part 1 is here

Created by Sameh Elshaer

Version 2 of Exam Questions of MARCH 2023 by dleprep.com

سنغطي جميع الأسئلة المتاحة في مارس 2023 ، وسيتم تحديث هذا الاختبار بشكل متكرر كلما تم الإعلان عن سؤال جديد.

1 / 54

1) Drug cause metallic taste:

Metallic taste :
1- ACE inhibitors - hypertension
2-Adenosin / Flecaininde (CCB) - Arrythmias
3- Metranidazole
4- Metformin - DM
5- Xerostomia
4- NUG
6- Galvanism - amalgam

2 / 54

2) The position to prevent hypotension in pregnant women while she is on the dental chair:

3 / 54

3) Anticipated interdental papilla height in case between tooth and implant:

4 / 54

4) The implant should be placed:

5 / 54

5) Instrument used to remove Gutta Percha:

6 / 54

6) What is the color coding of UNC-15 probe:

7 / 54

7) The only tooth that shows 8 root configurations:

8 / 54

8) Which of the following genetic disorders causes sever bone loss, periodontal destruction and early loss of teeth:

9 / 54

9) Number of plates to fix symphysis fracture:

10 / 54

10) Calculate Ibuprofen dose for 30 kg child per day (100/5ml):

Method of calculation:

We multiply ( 5 x 25 x 30) / 100 = 37.5

Then 37.5 / 3 = 12.5

So the answer is 12.5 ml

11 / 54

11) While you are performing root canal treatement for lowr right first molar and unfortunately you forced the irrigant beyond the apex and NAOCL accident occured and what should you do:

NaOCl accident= severe pain, edema of neighboring soft tissues, edema over the injured half of face and upper lip, profuse bleeding from root canal, profuse interstitial bleeding with hemorrhage of skin and mucosa (ecchymosis).

Management : Control pain with LA and analgesics , cold compresses then after 1day warm compresses.

12 / 54

12) Dry heat time at 320 F:

13 / 54

13) Your relative asked to come and you insisted to add him at the end as an extra patient on your schedule, you follow what Ethical code:

14 / 54

14) Firm edentulous ridge and sever atrophic bone impression technique:

15 / 54

15) Doctor has an accidental needle stick while treating a patient has HIV infection:

16 / 54

16) Type of restoration in apprehensive child:

17 / 54

17) Girl 11 years old, her weight is 35 kilogram had swallowed a toothpaste which contained 21 gram fluoride and her mother brought it to your clinic, how could you manage the case:

We divide the amount of fluoride ingested by the girl's weight:

21/35 = 0.6 gm

0.6 gm = 600 mg ... which is a lethal dose in children

So this is an emergency case and should be admitted in the hospital immediately.

18 / 54

18) Intruted tooth with 8mm intrusion, the splinting time needed:

Teeth with incomplete root formation:
- Up to 7mm intrusion, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement, initiate orthodontic repositioning within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.

Teeth with complete root formation:
- Up to 3mm intrusion and <17 years old, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement after 2–3 weeks, reposition surgically or orthodontically before ankylosis develops.
- Between 3-7mm intrusion, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically. Splint for 2 weeks using a flexible splint. If displacement is extensive, splint for 4 weeks.
- Suture gingival laceration, especially in the cervical area.

19 / 54

19) What are the number of rests and retainers in class 4 Kennedy Classification:

20 / 54

20) 7 years child brushing twice daily what toothpaste to use with fluoride for that child:

21 / 54

21) Drug causes gagging reflex in heart failure patient:

Digoxin/Digitalis drug (Barbiturates - treat Heart Failure/Cardiac Arrhythmias)

Digoxin  with epinephrine increases risk of arrythmias and drug increase gag reflex


22 / 54

22) You are treating a female patient and on the step of shade selection, you asked someone to enter to help you in the selection, she was anger, you breached the patient:

23 / 54

23) Space required between two implants:

24 / 54

24) The denture cleanser that harms the soft tissue:

25 / 54

25) To extract lower D and E Anathesia block to:

26 / 54

26) What is the chair position while treating a patient suffering from a sever Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):

27 / 54

27) Length of working part of iso endodontic files:

28 / 54

28) Patient complaining of visible veneer margin and want to replace it, what is the best margin level (causing the least inflammation and enhance esthetics in this case):

29 / 54

29) What is the inorganic part of dentin:

30 / 54

30) Tip diameter of hand stainless steel endodontic file size 20:

If question mention that the file is rotary or nickle titanium,

So the tip of endodontic rotary file size 20 is 0.02 mm

We divide 20/100 to get the tip diameter, so equal 0.0.2 mm

31 / 54

31) Material used for periapical healing:

32 / 54

32) Endo treated tooth with lateral lesion as show in the photo, what is your case diagnosis:

33 / 54

33) Where to place the lobe in band and lobe space maintainer:

The appliance incorporates a band or crown on the second primary molar with a soldered wire-loop extension extending forward to come into contact with the distal-cervical surface of the primary canine in the quadrant.

34 / 54

34) If the patient came to your clinic and you discovered that he has a cancer disease but his son doesn't want you to tell him that he has a cancer disease for the fear of his emotional status , what you should do:

35 / 54

35) Gaw-Gates injection technique:

36 / 54

36) 13 years old patient with bilateral posterior cross bite and with skeletal dificiency, how to manage the case:

37 / 54

37) Lateral luxation required splinting time:

38 / 54

38) Girl wanted to make Hollywood smile and you have another opinion:

39 / 54

39) Prophy cups should be:

40 / 54

40) A previously treated endodontic lower central, shows endodontic failure and needs retreatment, what is the possible causative pathogen:


41 / 54

41) Warthon duct related to which gland:

42 / 54

42) Cavity depth less than 0.5 mm away from the pulp and the tooth is planned to be filled in composite:

43 / 54

43) Failure at the porcelain attachment to porcelain:

44 / 54

44) Camufalge class III treatment:

Guideline for Extraction in Class III Malocclusion:

Treatment of class III has several different modalities:

  • Early orthopedic treatment (treatment of the musculoskeletal system), example: rapid palatal expansion + face mask.
  • Orthodontic camouflage (extraction/non-extraction);
  • Orthognathic surgery.


  • The extraction of choice for camouflage is extraction of lower first premolars and upper second premolars.
  • Extraction of all first premolar is carried out sometimes in severe crowding or in cases of class III complicated with anterior open bite.

45 / 54

45) Sever canine abscess affecting the eye causing colsure, why this case is considered as an emergency: 

Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. It can be life-threatening. The cavernous sinuses are hollow spaces located under the brain, behind each eye socket.



46 / 54

46) Hepatitis patient will have several extractions, the test needed:

47 / 54

47) Patient taking bisphosphonate what is correct about giving antibiotics:

48 / 54

48)  Vizirani-Akinosi injection technique:

49 / 54

49) Management of internal root resorption in permanent teeth:

50 / 54

50) The lower molar is close to the Inferior alveolar canal, and you have the fear of injurying the nerve, what should you do:

51 / 54

51) Type of plaster used in RPD model cast:

52 / 54

52) Definition of Concussion:

53 / 54

53) Sending an impression to the dental laboratory should be in:

Disinfection of impressions =
Alginate + compound + polyether = 0.5% NaOCl 10min
ZOE + polysulphide + PVS = 2% Gultaraaldehyde

54 / 54

54) Patient has an upper first molar with shallow amalgam restoration and has discomfort and dull pain on biting below the eye area, what could be probably the cause:

Your score is



Created by Sameh Elshaer

Version 1 of Exam Questions of MARCH 2023 by dleprep.com

سنغطي جميع الأسئلة المتاحة في مارس 2023 ، وسيتم تحديث هذا الاختبار بشكل متكرر كلما تم الإعلان عن سؤال جديد.

1 / 26

1) The denture cleanser that harms the soft tissue:

2 / 26

2) The position to prevent hypotension in pregnant women while she is on the dental chair:

3 / 26

3) Intruted tooth with 8mm intrusion, the splinting time needed:

Teeth with incomplete root formation:
- Up to 7mm intrusion, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement, initiate orthodontic repositioning within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.

Teeth with complete root formation:
- Up to 3mm intrusion and <17 years old, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement after 2–3 weeks, reposition surgically or orthodontically before ankylosis develops.
- Between 3-7mm intrusion, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically. Splint for 2 weeks using a flexible splint. If displacement is extensive, splint for 4 weeks.
- Suture gingival laceration, especially in the cervical area.

4 / 26

4) Type of restoration in apprehensive child:

5 / 26

5) Gaw-Gates injection technique:

6 / 26

6) Drug cause metallic taste:

Metallic taste :
1- ACE inhibitors - hypertension
2-Adenosin / Flecaininde (CCB) - Arrythmias
3- Metranidazole
4- Metformin - DM
5- Xerostomia
4- NUG
6- Galvanism - amalgam

7 / 26

7) Cavity depth less than 0.5 mm away from the pulp and the tooth is planned to be filled in composite:

8 / 26

8) Where to place the lobe in band and lobe space maintainer:

The appliance incorporates a band or crown on the second primary molar with a soldered wire-loop extension extending forward to come into contact with the distal-cervical surface of the primary canine in the quadrant.

9 / 26

9) 13 years old patient with bilateral posterior cross bite and with skeletal dificiency, how to manage the case:

10 / 26

10) To extract lower D and E Anathesia block to:

11 / 26

11)  Vizirani-Akinosi injection technique:

12 / 26

12) Patient has an upper first molar with shallow amalgam restoration and has discomfort and dull pain on biting below the eye area, what could be probably the cause:

13 / 26

13) Sever canine abscess affecting the eye causing colsure, why this case is considered as an emergency: 

Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. It can be life-threatening. The cavernous sinuses are hollow spaces located under the brain, behind each eye socket.



14 / 26

14) The implant should be placed:

15 / 26

15) Hepatitis patient will have several extractions, the test needed:

16 / 26

16) The lower molar is close to the Inferior alveolar canal, and you have the fear of injurying the nerve, what should you do:

17 / 26

17) Girl 11 years old, her weight is 35 kilogram had swallowed a toothpaste which contained 21 gram fluoride and her mother brought it to your clinic, how could you manage the case:

We divide the amount of fluoride ingested by the girl's weight:

21/35 = 0.6 gm

0.6 gm = 600 mg ... which is a lethal dose in children

So this is an emergency case and should be admitted in the hospital immediately.

18 / 26

18) Firm edentulous ridge and sever atrophic bone impression technique:

19 / 26

19) Sending an impression to the dental laboratory should be in:

Disinfection of impressions =
Alginate + compound + polyether = 0.5% NaOCl 10min
ZOE + polysulphide + PVS = 2% Gultaraaldehyde

20 / 26

20) Your relative asked to come and you insisted to add him at the end as an extra patient on your schedule, you follow what Ethical code:

21 / 26

21) Camufalge class III treatment:

Guideline for Extraction in Class III Malocclusion:

Treatment of class III has several different modalities:

  • Early orthopedic treatment (treatment of the musculoskeletal system), example: rapid palatal expansion + face mask.
  • Orthodontic camouflage (extraction/non-extraction);
  • Orthognathic surgery.


  • The extraction of choice for camouflage is extraction of lower first premolars and upper second premolars.
  • Extraction of all first premolar is carried out sometimes in severe crowding or in cases of class III complicated with anterior open bite.

22 / 26

22) Dry heat time at 320 F:

23 / 26

23) Prophy cups should be:

24 / 26

24) Drug causes gagging reflex in heart failure patient:

Digoxin/Digitalis drug (Barbiturates - treat Heart Failure/Cardiac Arrhythmias)

Digoxin  with epinephrine increases risk of arrythmias and drug increase gag reflex


25 / 26

25) Number of plates to fix symphysis fracture:

26 / 26

26) Girl wanted to make Hollywood smile and you have another opinion:

Your score is



Created by Sameh Elshaer

SDLE Mock Exam by dleprep.com Corrected

1 / 225

1) [CASE] A worrying mother brings her child to you seeking treatment for his newly erupted teeth. On Examination you find the no catch in the pits and fissure area. Your treatment would be:

2 / 225

2) Camufalge class III treatment:

Guideline for Extraction in Class III Malocclusion:

Treatment of class III has several different modalities:

  • Early orthopedic treatment (treatment of the musculoskeletal system), example: rapid palatal expansion + face mask.
  • Orthodontic camouflage (extraction/non-extraction);
  • Orthognathic surgery.


  • The extraction of choice for camouflage is extraction of lower first premolars and upper second premolars.
  • Extraction of all first premolar is carried out sometimes in severe crowding or in cases of class III complicated with anterior open bite.

3 / 225

3) What is the property of nickel titanium wires that makes it better than others?

4 / 225

4) Calculate Ibuprofen dose for 30 kg child per day (100/5ml):

Method of calculation:

We multiply ( 5 x 25 x 30) / 100 = 37.5

Then 37.5 / 3 = 12.5

So the answer is 12.5 ml

5 / 225

5) What is the best media for keep an avulsed Primary Central Incisor:

6 / 225

6) The aim of maintenance phase in operative dentistry is:

7 / 225

7) 13 years old patient with bilateral posterior cross bite and with skeletal dificiency, how to manage the case:

8 / 225

8) What is the preferred choice of implant material for a patient who recently went through radiotherapy:

9 / 225

9) Complete re-epithelization after surgery occurs after:

10 / 225

10) A bur used for gaining endodontic access and has a safe cutting end to reduce risk of pulpal floor perforation:

11 / 225

11) What is the copper ratio that eliminates gamma phase 2:

12 / 225

12) While you are performing root canal treatement for lowr right first molar and unfortunately you forced the irrigant beyond the apex and NAOCL accident occured and what should you do:

NaOCl accident= severe pain, edema of neighboring soft tissues, edema over the injured half of face and upper lip, profuse bleeding from root canal, profuse interstitial bleeding with hemorrhage of skin and mucosa (ecchymosis).

Management : Control pain with LA and analgesics , cold compresses then after 1day warm compresses.

13 / 225

13) Cell to cell communication between bacteria is done by:

14 / 225

14) Radiograph shows generalized almost diminished roots of all teeth with nearly obliterated pulp chambers and root canals, what’s the diagnosis?

15 / 225

15) Hand washing between patients:

16 / 225

16) Patient has positive anti-HBs and positive anti-Hbc:

17 / 225

17) 1st number in the 3 Formula of dental instruments represents:

18 / 225

18) Best radiographic modality for vertical bone defects:

19 / 225

19) Patient with interproximal caries detected by bitewing radiography, you want to detect caries that reach the pulp and causes infection, what to use:

20 / 225

20) According to the Kennedy's classification, the (bilateral) edentulous areas located anterior to the remaining natural teeth is:

21 / 225

21) Most commonly used intracranial medication is:

22 / 225

22) During mentoplasty, doctor should take care for injury of what nerve:

23 / 225

23) Firm edentulous ridge and sever atrophic bone impression technique:

24 / 225

24) Bleaching technique with high risk of developing cervical resorption:

25 / 225

25) The minimum amount of time in seconds that waterline should be washed between patients is:

26 / 225

26) How to increase the setting time of dental stone:

27 / 225

27) Walls of pulpal chamber during access opening should be:

28 / 225

28) Your relative asked to come and you insisted to add him at the end as an extra patient on your schedule, you follow what Ethical code:

29 / 225

29) What is most commonly observed in diabetic patients?

30 / 225

30) Sever canine abscess affecting the eye causing colsure, why this case is considered as an emergency: 

Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. It can be life-threatening. The cavernous sinuses are hollow spaces located under the brain, behind each eye socket.



31 / 225

31) According to the photo, mention the possible condition:

32 / 225

32) Concentration of Chlorohexidine in mouth washes:

33 / 225

33) Spedding principle:

34 / 225

34) When you give baby nursery bottle with juices then what is the effect it will have on the child's teeth:

35 / 225

35) Drug cause metallic taste:

Metallic taste :
1- ACE inhibitors - hypertension
2-Adenosin / Flecaininde (CCB) - Arrythmias
3- Metranidazole
4- Metformin - DM
5- Xerostomia
4- NUG
6- Galvanism - amalgam

36 / 225

36) Epilepsy treated by carbamazepine (Tegretol®). The maximum dose per day divided is:

37 / 225

37) At what age if you give excessive fluoride to patient, it will cause fluorosis to permanent teeth:

38 / 225

38) Intruted tooth with 8mm intrusion, the splinting time needed:

Teeth with incomplete root formation:
- Up to 7mm intrusion, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement, initiate orthodontic repositioning within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.

Teeth with complete root formation:
- Up to 3mm intrusion and <17 years old, allow for re-eruption without intervention.
If no movement after 2–3 weeks, reposition surgically or orthodontically before ankylosis develops.
- Between 3-7mm intrusion, reposition surgically or orthodontically within 3 weeks.
- In cases of >7mm, reposition surgically. Splint for 2 weeks using a flexible splint. If displacement is extensive, splint for 4 weeks.
- Suture gingival laceration, especially in the cervical area.

39 / 225

39) Impression material that can be poured twice:

40 / 225

40) Space required between two implants:

41 / 225

41) After performing pulpotomy with formocresol hyperemia of the pulp indicates:

42 / 225

42) To extract lower D and E Anathesia block to:

43 / 225

43) Patient with exposed bone, no infection, history of bisphosphonate , what is the management:

44 / 225

44) According to this photo, state the possible disease:

45 / 225

45) What is the correct sequence of restoration :

46 / 225

46) Identify the name of the device in the photo:

47 / 225

47) What is the mostly safe used sugar substitute?

48 / 225

48) What is meant by hyper apnea?

49 / 225

49) Material with stable color and considerable hardness:

50 / 225

50) 2nd number in the 4 Formula of dental instruments represents:

51 / 225

51) Prophy cups should be:

52 / 225

52) Which material is more stable in color:

53 / 225

53) The only tooth that shows 8 root configurations:

54 / 225

54) Material used for periapical healing:

55 / 225

55) Which of the following genetic disorders causes sever bone loss, periodontal destruction and early loss of teeth:

56 / 225

56) Method of sterilization of Polyvinylsiloxane impression material:

57 / 225

57) Which instrument is used subgingival:

58 / 225

58) After staring into an object the color fade quickly because of the physiologic limitation of the eye color receptors perception to only 30 seconds, so if more time is needed the eyes should rest by looking at:

59 / 225

59) Patient with a history of myocardial infarction came to your clinic for extraction, what painkiller will you give him?

60 / 225

60) Cranial nerve provides sensory information to orofacial area:

61 / 225

61) Patient comes with failed endodontic therapy. What is the best treatment to do:

62 / 225

62) 2nd number in the 4 Formula of dental instruments represents:

63 / 225

63) What is the best media for keeping an avulsed tooth:

64 / 225

64) HBV stay at dental clinic:

65 / 225

65) Chemical Vapor sterilization setting:

66 / 225

66) How is the fluoride tablet taken?

67 / 225

67) Growth of the maxilla is primary by:

68 / 225

68) Patient with pseudo class III, what is the management:

69 / 225

69) Nerve anesthetize palatal mucosal tissues of the upper premolars:

70 / 225

70) Base of the flap should be wide for:

71 / 225

71) The most important thing in documentation:

72 / 225

72) Periodontal loss of attachment at radicular bone leads to:

73 / 225

73) Patient has been delivered an immediate complete denture and after 2 days he could not insert it again, why?

74 / 225

74) Fluoride in water concentrates at:

75 / 225

75) Girl wanted to make Hollywood smile and you have another opinion:

76 / 225

76) A Child comes to your clinical with congenital heart defect fixed with a stent. You prescribe him antibiotics to prevent:

77 / 225

77) What is immediate implant?

78 / 225

78) The occlusion concept that allows freedom of movement:

79 / 225

79) Other name for cementoblastoma:

80 / 225

80) What is Organic occlusion:

81 / 225

81) Management of orthodontic adult patient with class II division 1 malocclusion with no crowded upper and lower teeth:

82 / 225

82) Doctor has an accidental needle stick while treating a patient has HIV infection:

83 / 225

83) Where to place the lobe in band and lobe space maintainer:

The appliance incorporates a band or crown on the second primary molar with a soldered wire-loop extension extending forward to come into contact with the distal-cervical surface of the primary canine in the quadrant.

84 / 225

84) Delivery of fixed restoration, overhanging margin should be removed so as:

85 / 225

85) A women comes to your clinic with white lesion. On examination you find it to be arrested caries. What treatment would your provide:

86 / 225

86) The position to prevent hypotension in pregnant women while she is on the dental chair:

87 / 225

87) Cavity depth less than 0.5 mm away from the pulp and the tooth is planned to be filled in composite:

88 / 225

88) Management of an avulsed tooth with closed apex for more than 60 min to minimize external root resorption:

89 / 225

89) Multi rooted teeth rotate around:

90 / 225

90) According to the photo presented, identify the class of the malformation:

91 / 225

91) Warthon duct related to which gland:

92 / 225

92) Most common histopathologic feature of a periapical lesion reveals :

93 / 225

93) The denture cleanser that harms the soft tissue:

94 / 225

94) 7 years child brushing twice daily what toothpaste to use with fluoride for that child:

95 / 225

95) Your lab delivers you a crown with open margin in patient's mouth but fits well on the cast what will you do next?

96 / 225

96) What is the worst bone type for implant?

97 / 225

97) Type of restoration in apprehensive child:

98 / 225

98) Type of virus in herpes zoster in late stage:

99 / 225

99) Management of internal root resorption in permanent teeth:

100 / 225

100) Vertical distance from the crest of bone to the height of the interproximal papilla between adjacent implants:

101 / 225

101) Hepatitis patient will have several extractions, the test needed:

102 / 225

102) Gaw-Gates injection technique:

103 / 225

103) Burs used for occlusal rest preparation:

104 / 225

104) Cutting part length of ISO file :

105 / 225

105) The powered toothbrush invented in:

106 / 225

106) H-Files are better than K-files by:

107 / 225

107) During tooth removal half root fracture inside the socket which elevator can be used?

108 / 225

108) The most stable result after orthodontic procedure is:

109 / 225

109) A dental hand-instrument with the formula: 10-85-8-14, where number 85 represents:

110 / 225

110) Patient comes to you with a fractured Root Canal Treated tooth and you plan to do Post and Core. What is most important factor for treatment success :

111 / 225

111) 1st number in the 3 Formula of dental instruments represents:

112 / 225

112) What is the copper ratio that eliminates gamma phase 2:

113 / 225

113) Surgical scrub before operations:

114 / 225

114) AIDS patient has adherent white plaque on the plaque, when scrubbed leaves a red base . What should be the management?

115 / 225

115) Dental caries:

116 / 225

116) The most commonly used irrigant in endodontics, sodium hypochlorite is used in the concentration of:

117 / 225

117) Management of an avulsed tooth with closed apex for more than 60 min to minimize external root resorption:

118 / 225

118) an autoimmune disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis:

119 / 225

119) Dry heat sterilization temperature:

120 / 225

120) What is the Hallmark of Sarcoidosis:

121 / 225

121) The periodontium comprise which of the following tissues:

122 / 225

122) Multiple injury and bruise in child:

123 / 225

123) Patient has tilted 47 and wants to place an implant in missing 46, how to manage the space loss:

124 / 225

124) Trigeminal neuralgia treated by carbamazepine (Tegretol®). The maximum dose per day divided is:

125 / 225

125) In the casting ring, what is the function of the cellulose paper liners?

126 / 225

126) How to increase setting time of the Zinc oxide impression:

127 / 225

127) Mean corpuscular volume in Iron deficiency anemia:

128 / 225

128) Drug causes gagging reflex in heart failure patient:

Digoxin/Digitalis drug (Barbiturates - treat Heart Failure/Cardiac Arrhythmias)

Digoxin  with epinephrine increases risk of arrythmias and drug increase gag reflex


129 / 225

129) Lateral luxation required splinting time:

130 / 225

130) File with active cutting tip:

131 / 225

131) Level of bacterial colony in dental Waterline should be:

132 / 225

132) Patient has history of ammonia smell in his mouth and unilateral painless swelling in maxilla, upon radiographic examination the bone had “ground glass appearance", what the possible diagnosis:

133 / 225

133) Most esthetic restoration and least adverse effect on gingiva:

134 / 225

134) Patient has an upper first molar with shallow amalgam restoration and has discomfort and dull pain on biting below the eye area, what could be probably the cause:

135 / 225

135) If the patient came to your clinic and you discovered that he has a cancer disease but his son doesn't want you to tell him that he has a cancer disease for the fear of his emotional status , what you should do:

136 / 225

136) Pterygopalatine ganglion related to which gland:

137 / 225

137) Proxy brush used with which class of furcation:

138 / 225

138) Disadvantage of full thickness mucoperiosteal flap:

139 / 225

139) White Rough wrinkled lesion in buccal mucosa ?

140 / 225

140) Addition of Epinephrine in local anesthesia:

141 / 225

141) Patient came with an avulsed tooth, what is the most important to know to decide treatment plan:

142 / 225

142) Type of plaster used in RPD model cast:

143 / 225

143) What cranial nerves pass through the supraorbital foramen?

144 / 225

144) A previously treated endodontic lower central, shows endodontic failure and needs retreatment, what is the possible causative pathogen:


145 / 225

145) Sending an impression to the dental laboratory should be in:

Disinfection of impressions =
Alginate + compound + polyether = 0.5% NaOCl 10min
ZOE + polysulphide + PVS = 2% Gultaraaldehyde

146 / 225

146) Failure at the porcelain attachment to porcelain:

147 / 225

147) What drug administered by hypertensive patient, you should avoid using a retraction cord impregnated with epinephrine:

148 / 225

148) Nasal septum formed by:

149 / 225

149) What are the number of rests and retainers in class 4 Kennedy Classification:

150 / 225

150) Shoulder ceramic finish line which instrument use:

151 / 225

151) What's the blade width of cutting instrumentations with the following formula: 10 -85-8-14

152 / 225

152) Tip diameter of hand stainless steel endodontic file size 20:

If question mention that the file is rotary or nickle titanium,

So the tip of endodontic rotary file size 20 is 0.02 mm

We divide 20/100 to get the tip diameter, so equal 0.0.2 mm

153 / 225

153) What is the best bone type for implant?

154 / 225

154) Hand scrubbing with antiseptic gel for:

155 / 225

155) What is the Patency file:

156 / 225

156) Instrument used to remove Gutta Percha:

157 / 225

157) A 21 year old man comes to the dental clinic. You notice he has plaque and calculus accumulation. A Scalar with elliptical motion was used in this patient for scaling. Which is the type of scaler?

158 / 225

158) Most common bacteria in Dental Waterline are:

159 / 225

159) Fluoride in water concentrates at:

160 / 225

160) Disinfectant of Gutta-Percha is done by:

161 / 225

161)  Vizirani-Akinosi injection technique:

162 / 225

162) Patient comes to you with mild caries on his mandibular molar teeth only in the fissure area. Your treatment of choice will be:

163 / 225

163) Patient taking bisphosphonate what is correct about giving antibiotics:

164 / 225

164) Over denture most common cause of its failure and complication:

165 / 225

165) The lower molar is close to the Inferior alveolar canal, and you have the fear of injurying the nerve, what should you do:

166 / 225

166) In case of Cvek pulpotomy technique, we should:

167 / 225

167) Which of the following spaces are bilaterally involved in Ludwig's angina?

168 / 225

168) Which bacteria is found in new born baby's mouth:

169 / 225

169) Patient complaining of visible veneer margin and want to replace it, what is the best margin level (causing the least inflammation and enhance esthetics in this case):

170 / 225

170) When should the child visit the orthodontist for the first time?

171 / 225

171) Success of Intrapulpal anaesthesia depends on:

172 / 225

172) Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR) is indicated in:

173 / 225

173) During Root Canal Treatment if the tooth is left open it will:

174 / 225

174) Dentist at the end of the day want to pour alginate impression quickly how can he do that:

175 / 225

175) What is the color coding of UNC-15 probe:

176 / 225

176) Which of the following make abutment teeth appear narrower:

177 / 225

177) When the infiltration local anesthesia is not effective, the reason could be:

178 / 225

178) One of Andrews' six keys of occlusion:

179 / 225

179) You are treating a female patient and on the step of shade selection, you asked someone to enter to help you in the selection, she was anger, you breached the patient:

180 / 225

180) Continuous condensation technique in GP filling is:

181 / 225

181) The implant should be placed:

182 / 225

182) A patient with lesion in posterior of the tongue want to take biopsy . How to pull the tongue?

183 / 225

183) What is the chair position while treating a patient suffering from a sever Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):

184 / 225

184) Which ligament serves to limit excessive protrusion of the mandible:

185 / 225

185) If a dentist is using a surgical blade and wants to take a periosteal elevator , how should he delivers the blade to the nurse ?

186 / 225

186) According to the shown photo, diagnose the disease:

187 / 225

187) What is the inorganic part of dentin:

188 / 225

188) Length of working part of iso endodontic files:

189 / 225

189) Dry heat time at 320 F:

190 / 225

190) Substantivity is the property means persistence of effect of a topically applied drug  and to be released when required from the oral structures, is the property of which material:

191 / 225

191) According to the Kennedy's classification, the (bilateral) edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining natural teeth is:

192 / 225

192) [CASE] A child comes to your clinical and on examination you find attachment loss at upper canine and lower premolars. What is your diagnosis?

193 / 225

193) Impression material most stiff is:

194 / 225

194) Walking bleaching technique of whitening the teeth is done using:

195 / 225

195) Number of plates to fix symphysis fracture:

196 / 225

196) PH of Sodium Hypochlorite:

197 / 225

197) Success rate of Fixed partial denture after 10 and 15 years respectively:

198 / 225

198) The intracanal irrigant material with the highest PH:

199 / 225

199) What is the most retentive type of arch form?

200 / 225

200) Patient with Hemophilia comes to your clinic. Which accessory injection will you provide :

201 / 225

201) Resin Bonded Bridge:

202 / 225

202) Removing of dentine in dangerous zone to cementum is called:

203 / 225

203) Patient has Tuberculosis with absence of risk factors shows what results in Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST):

204 / 225

204) Patient allergic to penicillin and needs prophylactic antibiotic before surgery for the fear of development of infective endocarditis, what is the alternative you can give him:

205 / 225

205) To sharpen the curette and sickle scaler, the cutting edge should be at angle:

206 / 225

206) What is the most common bacteria causing infective endocarditis:

207 / 225

207) Patient taking aspirin how many days you tell him to stop before surgery:

208 / 225

208) According to the photo, state the method of treatment:

209 / 225

209) Definition of Concussion:

210 / 225

210) Holes punched in the rubber dam too close together:

211 / 225

211) Patient with Parkinson disease, has a high percentage of plaque, what will aid could improve his oral hygiene:

212 / 225

212) Check retractor and dental handpieces are under which category according to Spaulding Classification:

213 / 225

213) Why do caries spread faster in children more than in adults

214 / 225

214) The following chemically bonds to the tooth:

215 / 225

215) An imaginary line around which the mandible may rotate in the sagittal plane:

216 / 225

216) The part of an RPD that takes place as a seat while preparation on the occulsal surface is:

217 / 225

217) Girl 11 years old, her weight is 35 kilogram had swallowed a toothpaste which contained 21 gram fluoride and her mother brought it to your clinic, how could you manage the case:

We divide the amount of fluoride ingested by the girl's weight:

21/35 = 0.6 gm

0.6 gm = 600 mg ... which is a lethal dose in children

So this is an emergency case and should be admitted in the hospital immediately.

218 / 225

218) Patient after delivery of upper complete denture and lower metallic partial denture with only remaining anterior teeth he was excellent, after 1 year he came to you with pain around the abutment after you checked everything is normal, what is the problem:

219 / 225

219) Patient has thrombocytopenia and the decrease in number of platelets will lead to:

220 / 225

220) Anticipated interdental papilla height in case between tooth and implant:

221 / 225

221) If a patient with a pocket depth of 5 mm around implant without mobility or bone loss, what is the treatment plan of this case:

222 / 225

222) Endo treated tooth with lateral lesion as show in the photo, what is your case diagnosis:

223 / 225

223) Cleidocranial dysplasia is usually caused by mutations in:

224 / 225

224) If the degree of fusion of porcelain is 1150 °C and alloy melt 920 °C, what is the degree of fusing in Celsius them together to make porcelain fused to metal crown:

225 / 225

225) Why did an amalgam chipped during carving?

Your score is

